» Electrotherapy » Ultima Combo (with TENS, EMS and body part diagram)

Ultima Combo (with TENS, EMS and body part diagram)

Ultima Combo (with TENS, EMS and body part diagram)

The Ultima Combo TENS/EMS Unit with Body Part Diagram is our premier combo stimulator. It combines the technology of the TENS U20, and the EMS Ustim, both operating with a detailed and comprehensive body-part diagram. 

  • Dual channel device
  • LED Backlight
  • Patient compliance timer
  • Digital body part diagram

    Note: This unit is a Class II Medical Device and by FDA regulations cannot be returned if it has been used.
This unit can only be sold with a prescription or to a qualified health care provider. After your purchase please email or fax a copy of your prescription or medical license. Fax: (909) 354-3294. This item is non-returnable.
SKU Ultimacombo
Market price: $229.99
Our price: $105.95
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