» Drytex Economy Hinged Knee Brace

Drytex Economy Hinged Knee Brace

Drytex Economy Hinged Knee Brace

The DonJoy Hinged Knee, designed for mild to moderate medial lateral control. The Drytex material is an alternative to Neoprene and constructed of a unique nylon core and polyester Lycra fabric that allows for improved airflow. This fabric provides compression and support, yet allows for breathability. Ideal for patients who have allergies or irritations to Neoprene or live in warm weather climates.

Designed for mild to moderate medial lateral stability.
Available in Drytex, sleeve or wraparound.

Measuring information: Measurements taken 6" above mid-patella, knee joint line, and 6" below mid-patella circumferences.

  • Warm and compressive, cool and breathable Drytex® construction
  • Sleeve or Wraparound styles for optimal fit and comfort

    Ordering Information

    *XS - XXL only
    Part Number Hinge Style Material
    11-0555-x* Standard Sleeve Drytex
    11-0556-x* Standard Sleeve with Popliteal Cutout Drytex
    11-2010-x Standard Sleeve with Horseshoe Buttress Drytex
    11-2011-x Standard Sleeve with Popliteal Cutout & Horseshoe Buttress Drytex
    11-2012-x Standard Wraparound Drytex
    11-2013-x Standard Wraparound with Popliteal Cutout Drytex


Market price: $79.99
Our price: $64.95
Open Knee or Closed Knee
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